New regulations for the selection process for Universal Sieger/Siegerin was approved by the USCA Executive Board.
This proposal is to revamp our selection process for Universal Sieger/Siegerin and the remaining Universal Team members. This new selection process will mirror the WUSV Universal Competition regulations. These regulations will begin in 2022 for the 2022 Universal Sieger and Siegerin as well as for the 2023 Universal Team.
We will be adding a “Universal Working Class Conformation Show” to the GSD National Championships each year, beginning in 2022. Adding this working class show to Nationals weekend will make our process overall more competitive. This will make it will be easier for those vying for Universal to make one trip to Nationals and to enter the Universal Working Class Conformation Show right there at Nationals versus two trips to both National events as previous years.
The regulations with the 2022 changes highlighted are in the downloadable file below: